
Hiawatha monitor not populating

24 April 2015, 11:44

I have installed Hiawatha for short of 2 weeks now.
When I login to my Hiawatha monitor URL, I see nothing.
The request_statistics is a flat line
The security_statistic is a flat line
The cgi_statistics and server_statistics are also just flat line.

In the Hiawatha monitor cms, I set 2 webserver
1 for http and the other for https
The details for the first one is:
IP address:
Port: 80
Active: YES
Users: Administrator

The details for the second one is:
IP address:
Port: 80
Active: YES
Users: Administrator

In my hiawatha.conf I did set
MonitorServer = 

I am suppose to use the external IP here?

What I have I done wrong? Nothing in the log file


Hiawatha version: 9.12
Operating System: FreeBSD10
24 April 2015, 11:46
Before you ask.. here is the result of hiawatha -v
Hiawatha v9.12, cache, Monitor, reverse proxy, SSL (1.3.10), Tomahawk, URL toolkit, XSLT
Copyright (c) by Hugo Leisink <>

Hugo Leisink
24 April 2015, 12:42
In the Hiawatha Monitor interface, you should specify how to reach the webservers you want to monitor. So, each webserver should be specified only once.

In the configuration file of each webserver, you should specify via the MonitorServer setting from where the Hiawatha Monitor will be connecting.

Don't forget to place the database/fetch_webserver_logs script in your cronjob configuration. See the README file for the other cronjob scripts.
27 April 2015, 10:45
Hi Hugo,

I've been trough the steps you mentioned and cannot see the problem.
Could you please rephrase what you mean by
In the configuration file of each webserver, you should specify via the MonitorServer setting from where the Hiawatha Monitor will be connecting.

Also I have DEBUG_MODE = yes could you tell me where I can find the debug log?

crontab -e
#minute (0-59)
#| hour (0-23)
#| | day of the month (1-31)
#| | | month of the year (1-12)
#| | | | day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sun)
#| | | | | commands
#| | | | | |
## fetch the information from the hiawatha webservers and to be send for the daily reports
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/www/webs/
0 0 * * * /usr/local/www/webs/
59 23 * * * /usr/local/www/webs/

ls -ls /usr/local/www/webs/
total 137
13 -rwxrwxr-x 1 www webadmin 481 Jun 17 2013 backup_database
13 -rwxrwxr-x 1 www webadmin 567 Mar 27 2014 clear_logs
13 -rwxrwxr-x 1 www webadmin 1605 Mar 27 2014 delete_old_logs
25 -rwxrwxr-x 1 www webadmin 12257 Aug 4 2014 fetch_webserver_logs
13 -rwxrwxr-x 1 www webadmin 328 Jun 17 2013 flush_cache
13 -rw-rw-r-- 1 www webadmin 14652 Oct 7 2014 mysql.sql
13 -rwxrwxr-x 1 www webadmin 1887 Jun 17 2013 private_pages
13 -rwxrwxr-x 1 www webadmin 1105 Mar 27 2014 remove_website
13 -rwxrwxr-x 1 www webadmin 7077 Oct 1 2014 send_reports
13 -rwxrwxr-x 1 www webadmin 2551 Jan 28 11:15 setup_database

vi /usr/local/etc/hiawatha/hiawatha.conf
19 #
20 MonitorServer =
21 ServerString = Hiawatha
22 ServerId = www

I also get the following error when I try to update hostnames
Error while updating hostname

Hugo Leisink
27 April 2015, 19:52
Forget the DEBUG_MODE. That one is for development only.

Via the MonitorServer, you tell Hiawatha what the IP address of the Hiawatha Monitor server is. The statistical information that Hiawatha collects during runtime can only be downloaded from that IP address.

Can you tell me what the situation is? How many webservers do you want to monitor? What is the IP address? On which webserver will the Monitor run?
27 April 2015, 22:16
Hi Hugo,

I only have 1 webserver to monitor at the moment.
The monitor is install on the same machine as the Hiawatha webserver both on IP .

Should I be using the external IP address?
Does the monitor use a specific port that need to be open by the firewall?
Hugo Leisink
27 April 2015, 22:49
In that case, use for both the MonitorServer setting in hiawatha.conf and as the IP address in the Monitor web interface (Webservers administration). Make sure you have a binding in your hiawatha.conf that has no Interface setting or one with In other words, make sure Hiawatha listens at
28 April 2015, 16:10
Hi Hugo,

In my hiawatha.conf file, do you mean something like this?
Binding {
Port = 80
Interface =
MaxKeepAlive = 30
TimeForRequest = 3,20

listen =
Binding {
Port = 80
MaxKeepAlive = 30
TimeForRequest = 3,20

Hugo Leisink
28 April 2015, 18:15
The first one is correct. The 'listen' statement is no a valid Hiawatha configuration option. But, you can also skip it entirely to make Hiawatha listen at all available interfaces.
29 April 2015, 00:15
Hi Hugo,
Does the following mean that the monitor is working ok?
Active sync: 	yes
Sync address:
Latest sync fails: 0

If the answer is yes I still haven't got any data...could this be link to the bug you found when you remote to my server lat week?
Hugo Leisink
29 April 2015, 01:06
No, that has nothing to do with this. It's hard for me to tell what goes wrong. I could take another look at your server if you want.
29 April 2015, 09:47
Hi Hugo,

This would be great if you could.
Do you still use the sale .pub key as before to login?

Hugo Leisink
29 April 2015, 09:50
Yes. Please send me IP and port number and make sure the firewall is set correctly.
29 April 2015, 17:19
Hi Hugo,

I've emailed you all the details

Thank you for all your help
Hugo Leisink
30 April 2015, 00:23
Solved, as described in the e-mail.
This topic has been closed.