

Bob the boulder
1 June 2017, 22:54
if i do ScriptAlias = /script.cgi:/usr/lib/script.cgi , then every link i have on website has instead of

i tried doing ScriptAlias = /:/usr/lib/script.cgi, but hiawatha refuses to start then.

Is it a match rule i need to use maybe?
Hugo Leisink
4 June 2017, 13:46
The first '/' in your ScriptAlias parameter is not a script and therefor invalid for ScriptAlias. Have you tried a UrlToolkit rule yet?
UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = my_rule
RequestURI exists Return
Match .* /script.cgi

This UrlToolkit rule is just a guess. I have no idea what CMS/framework you are using or how your website works.
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