
Hiawatha fails when a trailing slash is used in WebsiteRoot

Martin Tournoij
5 February 2012, 12:09
Hiawatha fails with a fairly cryptic error message if a trailing slash is used in the WebsiteRoot option of a VirtualHost block.

        WebsiteRoot = /home/hg/

[/usr/local/etc/hiawatha]# ../rc.d/hiawatha restart
Stopping hiawatha.
Waiting for PIDS: 94412.
Starting hiawatha.
Syntax error in hiawatha.conf on line 213.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/hiawatha: WARNING: failed to start hiawatha
Exit 1

What's worse, wigwam reports there are no errors!

[/usr/local/etc/hiawatha]# wigwam -c /usr/local/etc/hiawatha/
Using /usr/local/etc/hiawatha/
Reading hiawatha.conf
No non-fatal errors found in the Hiawatha configuration.

After removing the offending slash hiawatha starts as normal...

[/usr/local/etc/hiawatha]# hiawatha -v
Hiawatha v7.8.2, cache, CommandChannel, IPv6, Monitor, SSL, URL toolkit, XSLT
Copyright (C) by Hugo Leisink <>
Hugo Leisink
6 February 2012, 10:43
Wigwam reports no error, because this error is a fatal error. Wigwam only reports non-fatal errors, as written in Wigwam's output. The reason for Wigwam existence can be read in the Wigwam manual page.

I'll see what I can do about this issue in Hiawatha 8.1.
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